The State Of Things
/There’s not a lot of balance when it’s really busy. One morning this week I attempted to make a little sense of things, or at least record a few instants that otherwise would have been lost to the wind.
Read MoreThere’s not a lot of balance when it’s really busy. One morning this week I attempted to make a little sense of things, or at least record a few instants that otherwise would have been lost to the wind.
Read MoreI don’t like the idea of showing property to unvaccinated buyers. It’s not complicated for me. If you haven’t had your shot, you should shop for your next place online.
Read MoreThis evening, in the shouty aftermath of a storm that never really showed, I walked fields of long grass throwing themselves about dramatically just off Montreal Street, where the municipal golf course used to be. A short walk along the K & P Trail from Doug Fluhrer Park, it is perhaps the city’s best-kept secret.
Read MoreIf you find this, I want you to know that we were fine right up until the moment we weren’t fine at all. We didn’t suffer much. We’d gone to pick strawberries, lured off the main road by a pick-your-own sign and an arrow aimed down the green lane…
Read MoreThe latest in a series in which I think about why I like the things I do. This time it’s a little painting that I look at most days.
Read MoreIt’s damn busy out there. It’s hard to find the time to read a book, much less write one. My daughter turned thirteen yesterday and I can’t fathom how that’s possible. The moments blur together, like a film ripped at triple speed through a smoking projector.
Read MoreThere is a new sort of music coming out of England these days - an often text-based, impressionistic or confessional sort of rock. Dry Cleaning are part of that movement.
Read MoreOccasionally it feels as if a listing just slips though the cracks. This detached house with a lovely fenced garden, blue deck, and garage, is one of those times.
Read MoreThe Swedish post-punk band Viagra Boys are like the smart-asses that made you laugh back in high school. They’re loud and they’re frequently obnoxious, but you also suspect they’re a lot cleverer than those who take quick offence at their antics.
Read MoreAnd so it seems the Capitol Condos will be built but won’ t quite touch the sky. But will they be pretty?
Read MoreThere’s not a lot of time off, once the work really kicks in, as it has now. The escapes (not that I’m looking to get away, particularly) are into music, either on a walk to Belle Island, or just driving between appointments and wondering, How did I get here?
Read MoreA story of Lake Ontario and flying above it, then reluctantly driving away from it.
Read MoreBeing a buyer is a tough gig these days. Prices were up nearly 18% last year alone and inventory is at 30-year lows. What’s a house hunter to do?
Everyone’s trying to make a living, but trying to buy someone’s house for a song, so you can turn around and flip to for a huge profit, is pretty low. The only thing you should do with these postcards is recycle them.
Read MoreNew albums last week from favourites Shame and Sleaford Mods had me casting a gaze backwards to simpler times, sorta.
Read MoreTrue Story. My kitchen for the longest time was behind that window. I stood back there I don’t know how many hours doing the dishes or just leaned against the old farmhouse sink contemplating the leaded glass, the sorry state of my forearms. Corned beef we had if it was a good week, and a murderous slaw heavy on beets we’d planted where the tannery lands fought it out with the river.
Read MoreI’m a sucker for top ten lists. And this year it was music I leaned on more than books. Once the three-month shutdown was over, Cheri and I ran most of the rest of the year, and it was these records I played as I drove the hollowed-out streets.
Read MoreFor buyers, multiple offers are the worst, most stressful part of real estate these days. Mere mention of them causes good people to break out in a cold sweat. And I get why.
Read MoreThey're putting in new streets all over. And the act of naming them feels like an afterthought.
Read MoreWe admire very much the work of local sketch artist John Wright. He’s agreed that perhaps we can complement each other’s work. Here are all the details.
Read MoreIf you have any thoughts on how I might improve things, I’d be pleased to hear from you. Or maybe you’d like to talk about your own house, or your own property search. That would be great too.