The world seems to change almost hourly. Things are fluid, as they say. Yesterday I listened to Doug Ford's announcement that stores in Ontario can re-open next Tuesday. I was sitting on my front step looking out at the empty street, wondering if it might rain, and I’ve got to say that right then it seemed a mighty dramatic step. To be honest, I'm still not quite sure how I feel about it. But it does mean, I’m positive, that the real estate world will become instantly much more active.

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I’d hoped to write much more than I have the past six or seven weeks. But the attention span just isn’t there. The drive to sit down at a desk for hours and to sustain a mood, a space. And so I’m settling for these wind sprints. Settling isn’t the right word, perhaps. I like this exercise of linking a narrative to an image. Of trying to have it feel real and alive. To take on unfamiliar voices and place them front and centre on a site that’s supposed to sell houses.

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