The Swedish punk band Viagra Boys have an American lead singer, Sebastian Murphy, who can make me laugh or cry, it’s completely up to him. Their music is often hilarious and frequently heartbreaking and his voice is ridiculous. This song leans heavily towards the desperately sad end of things. In its own modest way it’s as pretty and as serious a song as I can think of.

The reason I offer it here is that today it came on mid-playlist as I walked through the encampment on the K and P Trail behind The Hub on Montreal St, making for the low-lying marvel that is Belle Island. I was wearing expensive noise-cancelling headphones and truth be told, I felt a bit of a jerk. You’ll understand why, I think, if you give it a listen.

*The official video (here it is) offers a different, dressed up sort of experience. Welfare Jazz is the name of the album